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MIKI was represented at this year’s Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) conference of the European Foundation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) in Athens (Greece) with a total of 6 contributions. Ka Yung Cheng, Benjamin Kinast, Michael Anywar, Mario Macedo, Hannes Ulrich and Björn Schreiweis travelled to Athens to present their work. The…
This year’s MEDINFO, the biennial conference by the International Medcial Informatics Association (IMIA), was held from July 8th to 12th in Sydney, Australia. MIKI had three contributions to be presented at the conference. The contributions were all related to MeDIC and IMPETUS. Titles of the articles are Large-Scale Standardised Image…
Berlin, 25.04.2023 Björn Schreiweis and Luisa Mejia presented KULT-SH at DMEA, the largest European conference and trade fair in digital health. Contributions and best practice examples from different perspectives were presented and discussed in order to give an impression of the status and perspectives of telemedicine solutions in Germany and…
November 8th to 10th 2022, the MIKI team participated at pHealth 2022 in Oslo (Norway), represented by Björn Schreiweis, Santiago Pazmino and Ka Yung Cheng. Santiago Pazmino has presented a full-paper on current research regarding the ETL tools and architecture at UKSH, which is within the context of the HiGHmed…
The joint annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. and the Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung (TMF) e.V. took place from 26 to 30 September 2021. Originally, this event was to be held in presence in Kiel and was therefore chaired…
The MIKI Team was represented at the MedInfo conference (Lyon) by Björn Schreiweis, Tobias Bronsch and Björn Bergh. Tobias Bronsch presented and discussed a Poster showing current research in the HiGHmed context with openEHR at Kiel University Hospital.
Medica’s Health IT Forum had a panel on AI for hospitals on Novemeber 12th, 2018. Representatives from industry and research, including Dr. Björn Schreiweis, discussed the possible scenarios for AI in patient care and education of healthcare professionals.
The Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) Conferenc in 2018 was held in Gothenburg 24th to 26th April. MI-KI was represented by Björn Bergh and Björn Schreiweis. The GMDS WG Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) organized a Panel on the topic ‘Health Apps: The Good, the Bad and the Dubious – How to…
Dr. Björn Schreiweis presented the approach and experiences of MIS in developing the PEHR and implementing it as part of the PEPA and INFOPAT project at the Internet of Healthcare conference in Amsterdam at 13.09.2017.
The Department MIS participated as part of the GMDS Special Interest Group Consumer Health Informatics (SIG CHI) at the 2. eHealth Innovation Days in Flensburg. The interactive workshop ‘Consumer-centered eHealth services’ was opened by Dr. Oliver Heinze (Experiences from Germany: phellow seven) followed by discussions in several stakeholder groups. Success…
At conhIT 2017 fair, MIS was present in six oral presentations, having two conhIT booths as well as being in charge of a conhIT guided tour regarding current eHealth topics. The two booths of MIS were presenting the INFOPAT project and the phellowseven spin-off, respectively. Antje Brandner, Dr. Angela Merzweiler,…
MIS was featured on the HEC (Health-Exploring Complexity: An Interdisciplinary Systems Approach) by Oliver Heinze, Peter Pensold, Björn Schreiweis and Nicolas Weiss with different presentations and workshop content from 28th August to 2nd September 2016. The content of the presentations hailed mainly from the INFOPAT project. Workshop with Oliver Heinze…
Gerd Schneider and Raluca Pahontu have been on the data2day conference 2015. They had a post with the title Big Data im OP.
Raluca Pahontu had a presentation on the eHealth 2015 (8. – 19. June 2015) in Vienna, Austria. She presented a paper with the title Towards Communication Requirements in the Operating Room and Clinic IT. This paper was part of the topic “Integration of Medical Technology and IT-Systems in Hospitals”.